Unexplained Inc.
Unexplained Inc.
Forbidden Knowledge, Cryptids & Psychedelics...Ft. Chris Mathieu
Chris Mathieu is the host of Forbidden Knowledge News. It is one of the top podcasts out there on all things fringe. Chris started this as a Facebook blog that grew into a podcast, a network and is now branching out into documentary films. In his Unexplained Inc. debut here are some of the topics discussed:
- The evolution of FKN
- The definition of truth / perception management
- Magic mushroom trips: the good and the bad
- Occult Louisiana and sightings from experiencer Scott Pace
- Tie-ins to The X-Files
- Manufactured extra-terrestrials
We also go into his latest passion projects including the side-podcast to the main show...The Trip Report (https://forbiddenknowledge.news)
Also the first chapter in the Forbidden Documentary series...Occult Louisiana
You can download the first episode here...please support:
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