Unexplained Inc.
Unexplained Inc.
Consciousness Cafe #10...C.J. of the Brighter Spectrum Podcast
The Cafe returns after a brief hiatus related to Spooky Season. It's a perfect time to post as best wishes go out to the American True Believers as they give thanks!
C.J. is making his first appearance on the show in almost a year and has a long running history with Phantom Phil and the fine souls of the Infinite Rabbit Hole podcast. Lots of stories and shoutouts in relation to all of this.
But the main reasons for C.J. coming on is some important updates. As an autism parent he has started a newer podcast The Bright Spectrum as a place for like-minded parents to bond, connect and get helpful information. They are certainly getting little to no help from the system...gotta fund those Banker Wars overseas...ya feel?
Also shockingly the former host of The Mystery Stone podcast has revealed that he has given up practicing magick and his reasons why may surprise you. To close out...of course...they get into some pretty interesting theories about the recent 'UFO/UAP' hearings from Washington D.C...we are in interesting times indeed! Stay curious!
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Promo Code: PHIL
More info on the conference here...taking place December 20-22nd, 2024