Unexplained Inc.
Unexplained Inc.
Blasting Off Into 2025 By Getting Spacey & Psychedelic with Fearless Frankie
This is the last show of 2024 and it's a beauty! An epic one...I would only send you out of this turbulent year with a bang! I'll just have the guest tell us a bit about himself below...no other description will suffice...you'll just have to listen.
My Name is Frank Castle, founding member of the music group HeistClick and NYC Neo Shaman. After a serious injury sidelined my carrier in 2013, I decided to set out on an adventure to search for myself, with the help of the plant medicine Ayahuasca. What I discovered waiting for me, was something I could have never prepare for. It's time for me to become something more, Someone More, it was time I became FearLess ..!
FearLess Links and Contact
https://iamwearefearless.com/ “I am We Are FearLess Website”
www.Youtube.com/@SunsOftheSun "SunsOftheSun Music"
www.Youtube.com/FrankCastleFearLess “Frank Castle FearLess” or
https://x.com/FrankieFearLess "X"
https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheFearLessFamily/ “The FearLess
Family" Group
https://www.facebook.com/frank.castle.902266 “Frank Castle FaceBook”
TheRealFrankieFearLess@gmail.com “Email"
https://www.youtube.com/HeistClick “HeistClick Music"
https://www.instagram.com/frankie_fearless/ "Instagram"