Unexplained Inc.
Looking at all of the unexplained mysteries in our universe...from alien activity to Zak Bagans and every other phenomenon in between...The paranormal The extra-terrestrial. The cryptids. The Psychic. The Metaphysical. The Conspiratorial. It's all here! Stay curious! 'Cause If You Ain't Curious You May As Well Already Be Dead! This Is Where The Unknown Connects With The Empowered!
Unexplained Inc.
Consciousness Cafe #11: Conscious Musing w/ Laura-Lee Petty
Phantom Phil
Episode 43
Good friend of the show Laura-Lee Petty returns for the first time in over a year (www.https://luminouslivingwithlauralee.com/) and she has plenty to discuss.
From the state of collective consciousness to the power of our language and words. To the mysterious drones over the United States northeast and allegedly elsewhere. Plus she treats us to a card pull for the collective energy of 2025...and it may surprise you. What may or may not be going on in the skies right now is likely a desperate power-play from a dying regime. We truly are a fish out of water as we turn the page on the Piscean Age.
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