Unexplained Inc.
Looking at all of the unexplained mysteries in our universe...from alien activity to Zak Bagans and every other phenomenon in between...The paranormal The extra-terrestrial. The cryptids. The Psychic. The Metaphysical. The Conspiratorial. It's all here! Stay curious! 'Cause If You Ain't Curious You May As Well Already Be Dead! This Is Where The Unknown Connects With The Empowered!
Unexplained Inc.
Shamanic Practitioner, Akashic Records Reader: Adam Gell
Phantom Phil
Episode 195
Adam Gell makes his debut on the show and really brings the fire. The conversation weaves around such subjects as shamanic healing, power animals, the masculine and feminine polarities, the Akashic Records...and drones over his home in New Jersey...and they weren't without company! Find all this out and how a part of a gymnasium he used to teach in caused him to have panic attacks...and how he healed it through travelling to past lifetimes.
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